Graduate Affairs (GAC)

GAC Update

The focus of the Graduate Affair committee as of late has been the Graduate Review. As many of you know this is a large undertaking for the department, and for all that had participated in the graduate student focus groups we at the GAC thank you. Also, a thank you to Beth Hundey and Sarah Mason for leading those greatly beneficial discussions. Due to the work of the committee and their participation with SGPS the Graduate Review is running smoothly. In short the Canadian and international reviewees that will examine our department have been solicited and will be approached. With the completion of the focus groups and the revisions to the Learning Outcomes of the department, to which everyone in the department had the chance to look over this document in early Janurary, the GAC feels that we are progressing quite well and moving along in a timely manner.

A second matter, that has been the topic of much discussion at the GAC meetings, are the course requirements for the upgrade from Masters to Ph.D. After much debate, it was motioned to solidify the decision that is now outlined in Graduate Handbook, the link is below. This motion is that an upgrade from Masters to Ph.D., for students currently in the program, it is a minimum of 2 courses to be taken at the Ph.D. level. Furthermore, for those Master students that have taken more than 5 courses, they may claim a single credit towards the Ph.D. requirements.

The representatives are Sarah ( until April 2017, and Grant (

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